Section 07 Part 03 – Signed Sets (SGE, SGT, SLE, SLT)


 “Peace does not mean an absence of conflict, because opposition, polarity and conflict are natural and universal laws." ~Bryant McGill






These four S## instructions set/clear the destination operand based on signed results, just like BGE, BGT, BLE and BLT.




The SGE Instruction


SGE – Set on Greater than or Equal


The N (Negative) and V (oVerflow) flags are tested, if they both match true or false, the destination operand is set (%11111111), if they don't match however, the destination operand is cleared (%00000000).






This instruction uses the N and V flags together to detect if the result is greater than or equal:


          cmpi.w    #$0020,d0

          sge.b     d1


We’ll pretend d0 contains 00009800, the CMP is word, so the comparison is 0020 & 9800.



Now let’s pretend d0 contains 00000492.  The comparison is 0020 & 0492.


·         0492 is higher than 0020, V and N are both clear.  The SGE instruction will set d1 as 000000FF.




The SGT Instruction


SGT – Set on Greater Than


The Z (Zero), N (Negative) and V (oVerflow) flags are tested, if the following conditions are met:


  1. The Z, N and V flags are all clear
  2. The Z flag is clear, but the N and V flags are both set



Then the destination operand is set (%11111111).  If none of the conditions are met however, then the destination operand is cleared (%00000000).






This instruction uses the Z, N and V flags together to detect if the result is greater than:


          cmpi.w    #$0020,d0

          sgt.b     d1


We’ll pretend d0 contains 00000020, the CMP is word, so the comparison is 0020 & 0020.



Now let’s pretend d0 contains 00000492.  The comparison is 0020 & 0492.





The SLE Instruction


SLE – Set on Less than or Equal


The Z (Zero), N (Negative) and V (oVerflow) flags are tested, if the following conditions are met:


  1. The Z flag is clear
  2. The N flag is clear, but the V flag is set
  3. The N flag is set, but the V flag is clear


Then the destination operand is set (%11111111).  If none of the conditions are met however, then the destination operand is cleared (%00000000).






This instruction is the polar opposite of SGE:


          cmpi.w    #$0020,d0

          sle.b     d1


We’ll pretend d0 contains 00009800, the CMP is word, so the comparison is 0020 & 9800.



Now let’s pretend d0 contains 00000492.  The comparison is 0020 & 0492.


·         0492 is higher than 0020, V and N are both clear.  The SLE instruction will set d1 as 00000000.




The SLT Instruction


SLT – Branch on Lower Than


The N (Negative) and V (oVerflow) flags are tested, if the following conditions are met:


  1. The N flag is clear, but the V flag is set
  2. The N flag is set, but the V flag is clear


Then the destination operand is set (%11111111).  If none of the conditions are met however, then the destination operand is cleared (%00000000).






This instruction is the polar opposite of SGT:


          cmpi.w    #$0020,d0

          slt.b     d1


We’ll pretend d0 contains 00000020, the CMP is word, so the comparison is 0020 & 0020.



Now let’s pretend d0 contains 00008492.  The comparison is 0020 & 8492.





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