Name         : Sepultra

     Aliases      : -

     Clone        : -

     Type/size    : File/1876

     Symptoms     : An alert will be shown

     Discovered   : ?

     Way to infect: File infection

     Rating       : Less Dangerous

     Kickstarts   : 1.2/1.3 (2.0=GURU)

     Damage       : -

     Manifestation: -

     Removal      : Delete file or use viruskiller.

     Comments     : The virus is resident by using the KICK-vectors.
                    It patches the following dos-vectors:
                    - Loadseg()
                    - Lock()
                    - Rename()
                    - Delete()
                    - Open()
                    It  works  like  the  Sepultura 2.26-Virus please look
                    there for further information.

                    The  virus  shows a DisplaySlert depending of $DFF006:

                                   Hi Guyz !!
                     SEPULTURA strikes back with their new
                    Look out for the SEPULTURA Boot-Virus!
                    Greets  to:  MAX  C. - JAIRO T. - IGOR C. - ANDREAS K.
                    - CHUCK
                    (made in Belo Horizonte/Brasil 1988)

     SHI - A.D 12-93

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