Name         : Kauki

     Aliases      : No Aliases

     Type/Size    : Boot/1024

     Clones       : No Clones 

     Symptoms     : No Symptoms

     Discovered   : 03-04-91

     Way to infect: Boot infection

     Rating       : Very Harmless

     Kickstarts   : 1.2 (Because of direct ROM Jumps)

     Damage       : Overwrites boot.

     Manifestation: A GFX-Message appeares

     Removal      : Install boot.

     Comments     : If You`re booting with an KAUKI-Infected  disk a nice
                    GFX-Message appeares. In the middle of the screen you
                    can see a big logo: "KAUKI".

                    After pressing the left mouse button the virus
                    installs  itself in memory by changing the  
                    CoolCapture-Vector. For  infection  the virus patches
                    the  DoIO()-Vector.  But because of the direct  
                    Kickstart1.2 ROM-JUMPS you will see a GURU if you have
                    Kick1.3 or higher.

                    Nothing more to say about => Very boring.

     SHI - A.D 08-94

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