Name         : Gremlin

     Aliases      : No alias

     Type/Size    : Boot virus/ 1024 bytes

     Discovered   : 16-10-90

     Way to infect: See below

     Rating       : Not very dangerous

     Kickstarts   : 1.2/1.3/2.0

     Damage       : Overwrites bootblock

     Manifestation: DisplayAlert

     Removal      : Install the virus bootblock

     Comments     : If  you are booting with a GREMLIN-Virus infected disk
                    disk  the  virus  copies  itself  to $7F400. To infect
                    other  disks  the  virus  patches  the  DoIO()-Vector.
                    Additionally the virus changes the CoolCapture to stay
                    resdient  in  memory.  Finally  the  virus patches the
                    SumKickData-Vector from the exec.lib.

                    If a value reaches 20480 the virus executes an endless
                    routine  &  shows some colors.  After the reboot
                    the virus gives out a GFX-Message. (Red Screen + White
                    Letters)  and  you  will  get  the  following  graphic
                    message on your screen:  

                    GREMLIN (at a red background)

     SHI - A.D 8-94

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