-Disk-Doktors (Only KickV1.2 as is uses ROM?)

Cold, Cool, Dolo
Do NOT require trackdisk.device.
The supposed mutants all differ in $4(checksum) and in the $390-$3A8
(Contains Variables, different after each reset)

Uncoded in BB can be read:
    0000a3e0 000000f0 20284329 7261636b ........ (C)rack
    72696768 74206279 20446973 6b2d446f right by Disk-Do
    6b746f72 73202020 20200000 00000000 ktors     ......

 Translated to English by Steen Jacobsen © 2001 VHT-Denmark
 Org. Test by Heiner Schneegold.

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