- STARCOM 3, a Byte Voyager 1 clone. (ref. BB above)

A true masterpiece! Just changed the text!

Uncoded can be read:
           fff64681 23410004 4cdf0303 4e751e54 ..F.#A..L...Nu.T
           68652052 4556454e 4745206f 66205354 he REVENGE of ST
           4152434f 4d202121 21000000 00000000 ARCOM !!!.......
Writes to Block 880 (Disk ROOT only):
           Block:     880
         01b0: 1e546865 20524556 454e4745 206f6620 .The REVENGE of
         01c0: 53544152 434f4d20 21212100 00000000 STARCOM !!!.....

This gives the disk a new name.
Does NOT need Trackdisk.device.

Hint: The Program does NOT reserve memory beyond $7F000.
This means that other programs, such as VT, can be loaded here.
As the hidden KickTag-pointer is residing in part of EXEC, that
is protected, this can result in; "Unknown Program" or "ResStruc
bend" errors.
With 5MB memory, this viruspart was recoginzed in memory. Under
KickStart 1.3, given this size of memory, the program won't
survive a Reset, and the virus can't multiply using "DoIo."

   Translated to English by Steen Jacobsen © 2001 VHT-Denmark
   Org. Test by Heiner Schneegold.

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