Name         : Angel

     Aliases      : No Aliases

     Type/Size    : Boot/1024

     Clones       : No Clones

     Symptoms     : No Sypmtoms.

     Discovered   : 17-12-92

     Way to infect: Boot infection

     Rating       : Harmelss

     Kickstarts   : 1.2/1.3

     Damage       : Overwrites Bootblock.

     Removal      : Install Boot.

     Comments     : If  you  are  booting  with an ANGEL-infected disk the
                    virus  allocates  chip-memory, copies itself into this
                    address  and patches the PutMsg & Wait vector from the

                    In  the  virus  there is a programm error.  If you are
                    reseting  your AMIGA you will get an endless GURU. So:
                    No  spreading !!  The bootblock is crypted with a byte
                    depending of $DFF007-register.  In the decrypted boot 
                    block you can read:

                    "The  Travel  of  the Angel-Virus Generation Nr.00000"
                    "Hi  Butonic  &  Gandalf.  Laufwerk  DF0:  is  leider"

     SHI - A.D 04-94

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