Name         : A.H.C.

     Aliases      : No Aliases

     Type/Size    : Boot/1024

     Clones       : No Clones 

     Symptoms     : No Symptoms

     Discovered   : 29-01-93

     Way to infect: Boot infection

     Rating       : Less Dangerous

     Kickstarts   : 1.3

     Damage       : Overwrites boot.

     Manifestation: -

     Removal      : Install boot.

     Comments     : If  you  are  booting  with an A.H.C. infeced disk the
                    virus copies itself (always) to the same  chip-address
                    $7FA00. Then it sets the CoolCapture to the virusvalue
                    to stay resident.

                    Furthermore  the  virus  patches  the DoIO()-Vector to
                    infect  other  disks.  The virus gives out messages if
                    you  are  booting  with  another  disk.  Here are some

                    Click  on  this  gadget to see a @{" Demo 1 " SYSTEM V-IFF:AHC1} of the A.H.C
                    virus. Push left mouse button to return.

                    Click  on  this  gadget to see a @{" Demo 2 " SYSTEM V-IFF:AHC2} of the A.H.C
                    virus. Push left mouse button to return.

              NOTE: This virus was made with the help of the 
                    Sherlock-AntiVirus-Boot. Just some Routines were
                    changed and the typical Sherlock-Texts were changed
                    into that damn Virusalerttexts. Very likely a work
                    of a LAMER or someone who can`t code good at all.

  SHI - A.D 04-94

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